Certified Sustainable. Standards Board

Frequently Asked Questions

If I want to apply for certification, how can I do so?

If you’re interested in applying for certification, it is best you contact the ACO office on (07) 3350 5716 or info@aco.net.au (Monday-Friday, 8.30am-4.30pm) so we can discuss your operation and find out what category you would fall under (i.e. producer/processor/retailer/service). After contacting the office you will receive an Application Kit which includes all relevant application documentation, a current Fee Schedule and an electronic copy of the relevant Certified Sustainable Standard.

Who is eligible to be Certified Sustainable?

Any established for-profit company can explore being Certified Sustainable. The Standard modules capture Primary Producers, Processors and Service Providers. There is no minimum or maximum size. Certain companies depending on their structure and operations, may have additional considerations and requirements.

What is the process for amending the Standard?

*Application to amend the Standard may be done at any time by individuals, groups or other entities. Applications must be made using the online form.

*Once an application is received, the Secretariat will assess the submission for completeness, and place the details, including any additional supporting information on the agenda for the next CSSB meeting. Applicant details will be removed for confidentiality and impartiality reasons, then forwarded to CSSB members at least 14 days prior to the next meeting.

*Members will discuss the application at the CSSB meeting, then determine if there is enough information to make a recommendation or form a working group to further research the application.

*If a working group is formed, it will report its findings to CSSB members at least 14 days before the next CSSB meeting.

*The applicant will be advised as to the status of the application after the initial meeting.

*The CSSB will make a recommendation to amend the Standard and advise Certified Sustainable Ltd to publish the changes.

*Existing Certified Sustainable operators will have 12 months to implement any changes, unless otherwise stated.

Do you have a list of allowed fertilisers/composts/livestock feed supplements that I can use on my Certified Sustainable property?

Yes we do. Please submit your request to info@csstandardsboard.com.au and one of our team will get in touch with you.

Please note the following important points:

* A prohibited input list is found in Appendix G / Table 1 in the Certified Sustainable Standard for Producers.
* Allowed inputs are deemed to be compliant to the Certified Sustainable Standard, if you are also certified to other Standards you need to seek ACO approval to use any input.
* It is important that you declare all inputs prior to using them in case they do not meet one or more Standards you are certified to.
* Use of inputs is restricted based on demonstrated need and approval by ACO.

How long does it take to get certified?

The length of the certification and verification process can vary based on a company’s size and complexity. A general time frame between beginning the initial document review and receiving your first Compliance Certificate can be approximately 6-8 weeks, assuming all documents are completed appropriately, no corrective actions are raised at review or audit stages and a mutually suitable date can be set between yourself and the auditor.

Where do the standards for Certified Sustainable come from?

The origin of the Certified Sustainable Standard was in sustainable agriculture methodology, captured in a registered Certification Trade Mark based on the then ASP Producer then Processor Standard. Since then a Sustainable Services Standard has been developed so all organisations have the ability to become Certified Sustainable. Certified Sustainable recognizes that high-quality social and environmental business standards demand continuous improvement in order to meet principles of inclusion, independence, and credibility. The Standards are therefore independently governed by Certified Sustainable Standards Board, and are continuously updated and improved with all development projects informed by research and multi-stakeholder input.

What legal status does the Standard have?

The Certified Sustainable logo is undergoing registration as a Trade Mark. The use of the logo is governed by the Rules (designed for the proposed CTM), which outline how the Standard is to be applied and the conditions of the Standard. The Standard and CTM is owned by Certified Sustainable Ltd, a not-for-profit company. Copyright is owned by Certified Sustainable Ltd and any reference to being certified to the Standard must be in accordance with the licence agreements.

What if I have a complaint about a Certified Sustainable product or organisation?

A formal complaint process is an essential complement to the certification verification and review process. We prioritise responses to inquiries and complaints, which can help us identify and take action on misconduct or misrepresentation by Certified Sustainable organisations.

All complaints are kept confidential and contact information is requested for follow-up purposes only.

Please email the following details to info@csstandardsboard.com.au:
* Your name and contact information
* The specific details of your complaint
* Why you believe we should examine your complaint
* Any additional context, including public records or evidence relevant to the issue
* Any supporting documentation and/or the details of any legal action taken.